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  • 2023: PRESS RELEASE Paris November 15, 2023: GEMMA: BMSYSTEMS is invited to Polepharma Microbiomics (November 22-23, 2023) and Biofit 2023 (December 12-13, 2023) conferences to present its novel Autism (ASD) therapy (CADI-T2011) for the alleviation of ASD core symptoms ready for validation and to announce the world's first guide to help clinicians and parents to better care for ASD patients.

  • 2023: PRESS RELEASE Paris April 2, 2023: GEMMA: On World Autism Awareness Day, we are proud to announce our 3rd publication completing the world's first integrative neurodevelopmental model describing the mechanisms and dynamics of ASD pathogenesis from pregnancy to early childhood.

  • 2022:PRESS RELEASE Paris December 9, 2022: GEMMA: BMSystems is invited to the 3rd edition of the PolePhamra microbiota conference on December 14-15, 2022 to present its novel, ready for validation, CADI-T2011 microbiota treatment for alleviating gastrointestinal dysfunctions and attenuate the socio-cognitive consequences of ASD

  • 2022:PRESS RELEASE Strasbourg November 29-30, 2022: GEMMA: Manuel Gea, CEO & VP R&D IT BMSystems is invited to the Biofit Event in Strasbourg to participate to the round table "How is the digital era shaping new forms of early-stage collaborations in biopharma"..GEMMA Program used to illustrate the pitch

  • 2022: PRESS RELEASE Paris November 15, 2022: GEMMA: Publication of the world's first integrative model of ASD development outlining the mechanisms and dynamics of ASD pathogenesis from pregnancy to child early life. (French version)

  • 2022: PRESS RELEASE: April 4, 2022: GEMMA: In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared 2 April as “World Autism Awareness Day” that is worldwide celebrated by various initiatives. In this occasion GEMMA project (which stands for Genome, Environment, Microbiome and Metabolome in Autism) releases its web site:   

  • 2021: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris December 14, 2021: BMSystems will be participating as speaker and panelist to Polepharma "Future of the Industry" conference (the N°1 pharmaceutical cluster in Europe) event to present its Artificial Intelligence  vision and expertise

  • 2021: December 7-9,2021. France: Manuel Gea CEO & VP R&D IT BMSystems will be happy to meet potential partners during digital BioFit partnering event to present our latest innovations and diagnostic and therapeutic solutions.

  • 2021: December 9-11, 2021. Belgium: Manuel Gea CEO & VP R&D IT BMSystems will be happy to meet potential partners during digital Biowinday partnering event to present our latest innovations and diagnostic and therapeutic solutions.

  • 2021: PRESS-RELEASE: Paris April  2, 2021: Visit our GEMMA (Autism and Microbiota) program web site:  for the World Autism Awareness Day to get the latest information.

  • 2021: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris January 20, 2021: Pherecydes-Pharma, BMSystems' first therapeutic start-up, announced its intention to List on the Euronext Growth® Market in Paris.

  • 2020: PRESS RELEASE: Paris November 30, 2020: Telesphore Pharma, the 2nd BMSystems' therapeutic spin-off is selected by the Biofit 2020 steering committee to pitch its First-in-class "Disease Centric Repositioning" Diagnosis and Treatment.

  • 2020: PRESS-RELEASE: Paris September 21, 2020: BMSystems and ASFC reinforce their strategic collaboration to accelerate the
    development of the first-in-class ME/CFS therapeutic CADI-T1031 in response to ME/CFS and the related Post Covid-19 Syndrome.  

  • 2020: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris April 27,2020: Post Covid-19 Pandemic & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) potential spike.

  • 2020: PRESS RELEASE: Paris March 5,2020: GEMMA Autism H2020- The first mechanistic pathway hypotheses on ASD pathogenesis presented at the first annual meeting

  • 2019: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris November 28, 2019: Bio-Modeling Systems invited to the PolePharma event "Industrie du futur" to present its collaboration with L2F the EPFL AI company adding a third dimension to AI through the Giotto program.

  • 2019: PRESS RELEASE: Paris November 6, 2019: Bio-Modeling Systems updates its pipeline of therapies, diagnostics, and bioprocesses and invites you to meet its team at BioFit and Polepharma Bio-Production conferences.

  • 2019: ANNOUNCEMENT: Lyon October 17-18, 2019: Bio-Modeling Systems invited at the India-France Knowledge Summit 2 to contribute with its CADI Discovery Platform, the other AI, successfully applied to its Indo-French metabolic disorders therapeutic program: UMANG (now Arbuza Regenerate company) addressing  a public health issue concerning 50-100 millions children in India.

  • 2019: PRESS RELEASE: Paris October 1, 2019: Bio-Modeling Systems the Mechanisms-Based Cosmetics company, is invited to present its CADI™ Discovery platform and 7 outputs at the open Innovation sessions of Cosmetic-360

  • 2019: ANNOUNCEMENT: Lille Juily 2-4, 2019: BMSystems invited as speaker at ANTIMIC 2019: Bacteriophages, Genius and success of precision medicine in infections (ATC HCl) and new tracks for microbiote “surgery” controt with GEMMA microbiota &Autism H2O2O program

  • 2019: PRESS-RELEASE: Paris May 30, 2019 : Manuel GEA, CEO BMSystems, rejoint l’Advisory Board Pharma/Santé de Bolero pour renforcer leurs offres et accélérer la convergence recherche clinique et données de vraie vie

  • 2019: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris May 5, 2019: Bio-Modeling Systems is participating to Neurodegenerative Drug Development Europe Conference in Paris (May 22-23, 2019). Meet us to discover our Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s diseases solutions.

  • 2019: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris April 3, 2019: BMSystems will be participating to Polepharma microbiota conference (the N°1 pharmaceutical cluster in Europe) event to present its GEMMA microbiota &Autism H2O2O program.

  • 2019: PRESS-RELEASE: Paris April  2, 2019: Bio-Modeling Systems, the  14 M€ H2020 GEMMA (Autism and Microbiota) integrative biology partner, announces the release of the public program web site: for the World Autism Awareness Day.

  • 2019-NEW-YEAR PROGRAM: Paris January 24, 2019: In 2019, our founding motto: “Understand disease mechanisms first. Adapted treatments will follow.” is still highly relevant. FRENCH

  • 2018: POSITION PAPER : Paris December 2, 2018: SMART STRATEGY vs. BIG STRATEGY: How Augmented Intelligence, the other AI, addresses the digital “garbage in garbage out” reality and the life complexity

  • 2018: ANNOUNCEMENT: BMSystems invited to present its CADI Discovery platform and achievements at 4 events in Europe,BioFit,-BioWin-Day, COST EC cluster conference, DGA BtoB

  • 2018: PRESS-RELEASE: L’Association Française du Syndrome de Fatigue Chronique (AFSC) change les règles du jeu et s’associe à Bio-Modeling Systems, la première société au monde spécialisée dans la médecine fondée sur les mécanismes pour développer et valider un modèle explicatif et thérapeutique de l’EM/SFC (CFS/ME).

  • 2018: PRESS-RELEASE: Paris October 10, 2108: Bio-Modeling Systems, with its operational CADI™ Discovery platform, is the Integrative Biology partner of GEMMA (autism & microbiota) project selected for €14.2M H2020 funding by the European Commission to identify potential targets for the personalized treatment and prevention of Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • 2018: PRESS-RELEASE: Paris 10 Octobre 2108: Bio-Modeling Systems, avec sa plateforme opérationnelle CADI™ Discovery est le partenaire « Biologie Intégrative » du  programme GEMMA (autisme & microbiote) sélectionné par la Commission européenne pour un financement H2020 de 14,2 millions d'euros afin d'identifier des cibles potentielles pour le traitement personnalisé et la prévention des troubles du spectre autistique

  • 2018: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris September 4, 2018: How CADI Discovery, invented in 2004, successfully addressed the "Garbage in Garbage out" Law of every Data Processing explained in  Current Opinion in Pharmacology: How scientific literature analysis yields innovative therapeutic hypothesis through integrative iterations

  • 2018: PRESS-RELEASE: Paris  July17, 2018: World's first: The French Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association decides to clinically evaluate the ME/CFS pathogenesis model produced by Bio-Modeling Systems

  • 2018: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris May 28, 2018 Bio-Modeling Systems est heureuse de vous informer sur ses interventions lors des conférences suivantes

  • 2018: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris June 19-20, 2018: BMSystems invited to the Micorbiota conference organized by Adebiotech to present its microbiota vision and the corresponding CADI™ Discovery programs

  • 2018: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris June 14, 2018: BMSystems & its partner Bolero invited to the Connected Health Conference organized by  ANRT at Sanofi France to present their Real life data strategy and implementations

  • 2018: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris March 13-14, 2018: BMSystems invited to the Epigentic conference organised by Adebiotech to present its CADI Discovery program EPIGEN-DIAB with the Centrer of excelllence in Epigenetic in India

  • 2017: PRESS-RELEASE: Paris-November 16, 2017:BMSystems is selected to pitch at the “Translational Neurosciences Conference” organized by “NeurATRIS” and supported by “eartis” the European Infrastructure For Translational Medicine, comprising more than 80 leading European Institutes.

  • 2017: PRESS-RELEASE: Paris-New-York October 4, 2017: BMSystems, with its 14 independently validated successes to date, is selected by the Galien Foundation for the MedStartUp Award 2017program first step during the US Galien Prize Forum in New-York.

  • 2017: ANNOUNCEMENT:  Latest news:  Press-release from Hospices Civils de Lyon about phage therapy success with Pherecydes Pharma bacteriophages. Pherecydes-Pharma, is BMSystems’ first therapeutic spin-off.

  • 2017: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris September 7, 2017: The future of Medicine: Bio-Modeling Systems invited to present at the Summer Universities of Fédération Hospitalière de France

  • 2017: ANNOUNCEMENT: Belgium August 26-27, 2017: BMSystems selected to meet Wallonia life Sciences Companies and is invited to the Spa-Francorchamps Formula 1 Race. Great place for top meeting!

  • 2017: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris July 4, 2017. BMSystems was intited to present at the Conference INSEAD Alumni at BCG Paris Office: Everything you always wanted to know about Digital Health revolution “big promises” but were afraid to ask!

  • 2017: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris April 24, 2017: BMSytems was invited at the The Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) Annual Event Re-Inventing Healthcare: Digital Health and IP to present its Computer Augmented Deductive Intelligence platform and its operational successes

  • 2017: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris January 17, 2017: BMSytems was invited at the France-India healthcare Summit to present its Computer Augmented Deductive Intelligence platform and its operational successes

  • 2017: ANNOUNCEMENT: Paris January 17, 2017: BMSytems invited to present its collaborative success story with CEA life Sciences at the 10 years anniversary of Medicen Paris Region Health cluster

  • 2017: Happy New Year: Our 8 Resolutions for 2017 to be ready for the upcoming bubble explosion! - Bonne Année: Nos 8 Résolutions pour 2017

  • 2016: ANNOUNCEMENT: October 25, 2016: Discover why and how some CEOs and R&D managers have already launched “Fully External B plans” to de-risk their business and generate unexpected opportunities.

  • 2016: PRESS RELEASE: PARIS. September 5, 2016: BMSystems selected to present CADI Discovery at the Connexion R&D conference organized by COSMETIC-VALLEY the leading Perfumery & Cosmetic cluster in France.

  • 2016: ANNOUNCEMENT August 1, 2016: BIO-MODELING SYSTEMS' novel Parkinson's therapy mentioned in a Report Covering 179 Companies. A new recognition of CADI Discovery capability to generate novel therapeutic strategies in complex human diseases of which CNS

  • 2016: ANNOUNCEMENT: May 9, 2016: CMC-Strategy Forum Europe. Manuel GEA Chairman Adebiotech and CEO BMSystems invited to present French biotech / Bioproduction Competitiveness and BMSystems' best practices. download

  • 2016: ANNOUNCEMENT: April 7, 2016: Genople center: BMSystems invited to present: A smart data approach to change the discovery paradigm. Presentation of CADI™-discovery programs and technology.

  • 2016: ANNOUNCEMENT: March 16, 2016; BMSystems invited to the Adebiotech conference to present its CADI Discovery paradigm to fight againt multiresistance infections

  • 2016: ANNOUNCEMENT: Februray 12, 2016 Berlin: BMSystems invited to the Conference "IP in Life Sciences Digital Health" to present CADI Discovery answers to big data issues and biases in scientific publications

  • 2016: ANNOUNCEMENT: Februray 3, 2016 Paris: BMSystems invited  to the conference "Big Data a chance for healthcare?" to present CADI Discovery answers to big data issues and biases in scientific publications

  • 2015: ANNOUNCEMENT: December 7, 2015: BMSystems invited to present its CADI Discovery program in allergy: A systems approach to identify weak allergens/sensitizers capable of synergistic effects

  • 2015: ANNOUNCEMENT : November 27, 2015: BMSystems invited to present its industrial biotech strategy / synthetic biology and achievements at the Synthetic Biology Conference organized by AllEnvi that represent the leading research insitutions in France dedicated to the environment issues

  • 2015: PRESS-RELEASE: September 9, 2015 Paris: A world first: Pherecydes Pharma, BMSystems' Spin-off, launches multicenter Phase I/II clinical study of phage therapy in fighting sensitive antibiotic-resistant infections in serious burn victims -FR version

  • NEW: In 2015, the too high R&D attrition rate is not a fatality any more using a proven operational novel paradigm with 9 POC already produced.

  • : 2014: December 17, 2014 Paris:  Conference: L’Innovation aux interfaces : de la recherche au soin. BMSystems invited to present CADI Discovery Platform to enlarge translational Medicine potential

  • PRESS-RELEASE November 10, 2014: BMSystems dicloses about Ebola, a speculative concept that could provide a direct avenue for the detection of an incipient outbreak..

  • PRESS-RELEASE: July 24, 2014 Paris : CADI™ Discovery, the BMSystems’ Mechanisms-Based Medicine Research platform, passed two major milestones to address products safety issues.

  • PRESS-RELEASE: July  9, 2014 Paris: BMSystems discloses the first description of its fully operational Mechanisms-Based research platform that addresses the causal mechanisms of diseases

  • ANNOUNCEMENT : June 3, 2014: The first reference book on Computational Biophysics of the Skin is now available.

  • PRESS RELEASE Dec 10, 2013 Paris: Theranexus, biopharma company, has announced the signing of a license agreement with the CEA and BMSystems to develop patented new therapeutic strategies for use in psychiatry.  PR French version

  • PRESS RELEASE : Dec, 3 2013 Paris France,  Louvain-La-Neuve Belgium: BMSystems and Aepodia sign a strategic R&D collaboration to decipher the Fibromyalgia & chronic facial pain mechanisms to bring to patients novel therapeutic strategies.

  • PRESS RELEASE: July 10, 2013 Paris France: CEA and BMSystems open new therapeutic strategies for psychiatric disorders! Clearly, the brain cannot be reduced to its neurons only!.French PR Le CEA et la société Bio-Modeling Systems ont ouvert de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour les maladies psychiatriques! Clairement le cerveau ne peut se réduire à ses sels neurones!.

  • PRESS RELEASE: June 26, 2013 Paris France: The-Pharma-success-rate-drop-in-R&D-is-not-a-fatality

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: June 25-26, 2013 Saclay France:  Dr. François Iris presents BMSystems' CADI discovery vision and achievements: Title: “The discovery of Innovative Therapeutic Approaches: Under the Street Light is not necessarily the Right Place to Search!” at the TERATEC international conference during the Workshop 5: HPC in Biology and Health.

  • ANNOUNCEMENT: June 13-16, 2013 Florida: Pr. Leboyer's Keynote Presentation : Genetic Analysis of Relevant Biological Pathways in Bipolar Disorder.10th International Conference on Bipolar disorders. First disclosure of the FondaMental Foundation and Bio-Modeling Systems R&D collaboration in CNS.

  • PRESS RELEASE: Paris France May 2, 2013: Bio-Modeling Systems discloses the first scientific results of its European research program on chronic anxiety mechanisms (DECIUS™) at 9th International Workshop on Computational Neuropsychiatry in Munich.

  • PRESS RELEASE: Paris France April 2, 2013: BMSystems & the FondaMental Foundation join forces to decipher the immuno-inflammatory mechanisms that could give rise to psychiatric diseases to open novel therapeutic avenues French Press Release English Press Release.

  • PRESS RELEASE: Paris France, Pune India March 22, 2013. BMSystems and Persistent Systems Launch  Strategic Joint Systems Biology R&D Initiative-a R&D Program to Accelerate Mechanisms-Based Drug Discovery, Help Eliminate Use of Animals in Contact Allergy Testing. PR EN, PR FR, E.U. bans animal testing: Official announcement EN, FR

  • PRESS RELEASE : Paris March 5, 2013: Bio-Modeling Systems recognized for the second time as a major contributor to Systems Medicine by the European Commission’s DG Research.

  • PRESS RELEASE: Paris November 25, 2012 : BMSystems invited to present its therapeutics discovery paradigm at the 7th BioCrats Connect’ Convention on December 7, 2012 in Pune India

  • PRESS RELEASE: Paris May 11, 2012: Psychiatric Systems Medicine: From concepts to the first industrially operational results. PharmacoPsychiatry publishes our latest invited review: Psychiatric Systems Medicine: Closer at Hand than Anticipated but not with the Expected Portrait.

  • PRESS RELEASE: Paris October 20, 2011: "Believe it or not: how much can we rely on published data on potential drug targets? ".

  • PRESS RELEASE: Paris, September 28, 2011: Have you got a “B plan” to secure your development and R&D programs in the fields of neurodegenerative diseases, psychiatric and cognitive disorders, infectious diseases, biodefense, and cancer.

  • PRESS RELEASE: Paris march  9, 2011: BMSystems & The Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich co-publish in PharmacoPsychiatry a new analytical paradigm, for the identification of targeted pertinent biomarkers in psychiatric disorders.

  • PRESS RELEASE: Paris october 21, 2010: Bio-Modeling Systems confirms its world's leadership in heuristic systems biology. Since its creation in 2004, the company generated new knowledge and innovations in the fields of cancer, psychiatric & cognitive disorders, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases.

  • PRESS RELEASE Paris June 7, 2010: The Directorate-General (DG) of Research at The European Commission recognizes BMSystems' scientific excellence and innovative business model through two invitations to contribute its expertise to key decisional meetings

  • PRESS RELEASE: PARIS april 12, 2010: BMSystems is selected by French life science clusters to present its disruptive science & business model during BiO in Chicago.

  • PRESS RELEASE: PARIS march 11, 2010: BMSystems is invited to present at 2 international scientific conferences. These 2 invitations confirm the major contributions of BMSystems to the field of integrative systems biology.

  • PRESS RELEASE: PARIS February 3, 2010: Pherecydes Pharma, BMSystems' spin-off, is becoming a US reference in the field of biosecurity and biodefense and a credible partner for protein, antibody & enzyme improvements.

  • NEWS: January 20, 2010:  Strategic Partner News: ARD, leader of our "Synthons" Industrial Biotech program, announced the successful start-up and commissioning of the world's first renewable succinic acid plant with an initial annual capacity of 2,000 metric tons.

  • PRESS RELEASE: Paris October 14, 2009: Pherecydes-Pharma, the world's first biotech company created from an integrative biology research program gears up for business development.

  • PRESS RELEASE: July  28, 2009 BMSystems receives a Bio-IT World Best Practices Award from the Cambridge Healthtech Institute.

  • PRESS  RELEASE: BMSystems, BioXpr and Kayentis launch BioXplain at BiO Atlanta the First Open Platform for Iterative, Predictive and Integrative Biology

  • PRESS RELEASE: Paris, October 6, 2008. Biocitech, the Paris life science park welcomes Pherecydes Pharma, BMSystems' spin-off, the first biodefense and biosecurity company in France

  • NEWS: Paris September 25, 2008 : The utilization of CADI™ (BMSystems' biological modeling approach and technologies) leads to a new industrial success in CNS diseases. BMSystems filed on Septembers 10, 2008, with CEA life Sciences, a patent application covering new therapeutic strategies and a preclinical evaluation platform in the field of psychiatric disorders.

  • PREE-RELEASE: Paris, January 26, 2008: We were very happy to announce the future publication of " Biological modeling in the discovery and validation of cognitive dysfunctions biomarkers" (Biomarkers for Psychiatric Disorders) in a book edited by the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich, highlighting the impact of our biological modeling capacities upon research progress in the field of cognitive dysfunctions. Publication in November 2008

  • NEWS: Paris December 20, 2006: BMSystems is very happy to announce the successful launch of our first company spin-off in the field of Bio-Defense and Bio-Security developed from our CADI discovery process. Pherecydes Pharma S.A. (anti-bacterial bio-agents) was incorporated on December 20, 2006

  • PRESS-RELEASE: July   28, 2006: The " Synthons" program, the major white biotech R& D program of the I.A.R. (" Industrie Agro-Ressources" world class white biotech cluster in France), was selected for state grants. BMSystems is the biotech leading partner of the " Synthons" program

  • PRESS-RELEASE: Paris May 23, 2006: Download Beyond Genome BMSystems press release

  • PRESS-RELEASE: Paris July 18, 2005: Analytical Methods for Metabolic Profiling: Solving Problems Analysis" release

  • PRESS-RELEASE: Paris March 29, 2005: Bio-Modeling Systems published its second in-silico model " Model of Therapeutic Resistance to Tamoxifen" in the Journal of Molecular Endocrinology

  • PRESS-RELEASE: Paris January 15, 2004: A world's first: Ras-dependent breast Cancer model.model.model.model.model.model.model.model. The first model on a complex human disease was published in the October 2003 issue of Nucleic Acids Research (Oxford University Press). Integrative Biology produces its first bio-medical results and confirms its ability to really deliver

Press articles

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