ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome remains a debilitating condition for the patient and a confusing one for the physicians, both because of diagnostic difficulties and poorly codified management. Despite numerous studies, its pathophysiology remains unclear, but a multifactorial origin is suspected with triggering (infections) and maintenance (psychological) factors as well as the persistence of inflammatory (low-grade inflammation, microglial activation…), immunologic (decrease of NK cells, abnormal cytokine production, reactivity to a variety of allergens, role of estrogens…) and muscular (mitochondrial dysfunction and failure of bioenergetic performance) abnormalities at the origin of multiple dysfunctions (endocrine, neuromuscular, cardiovascular, digestive…).
The frequency of ME/CFS is variously appreciated, depending on the criteria of definition, with prevalence between 0.2 and 2.6% in Western countries. The ratio of women to men is 3/1, with predominance in young adults (20-45 years) but with possible attack at any age and a genetic predisposition. The frequency of ME/CFS diagnosis is estimated at 0.5–1% of the general population. Between 17-24 million patients suffer worldwide from ME/CFS, with often severe degrees of disability generating high health costs and distress.

BMSystems’ heuristic CADI™ Discovery model proposes the first treatment for ME/CFS by integrating the pathology's immunological dysregulations with their systemic metabolic, physiological and cognitive consequences. The model developed in close collaboration with the French Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association provides thorough understanding of the causal ME/CFS mechanisms and their modes of clinical progression. The treatment, already validated by a clinical proof of concept will enter in a phase II clinical trial with our partner.

ME/CFS is triggered by the superimposition of humoral and cellular responses that amphi-polarizes the immune system.

The role of the immune system is to monitor the proper functioning of tissues and organs and intervene/repair as required. In ME/CFS, it is found constantly activated at low grade, while polarized in pro-inflammatory mode, thus causing muscular, cognitive and energy depletion disorders.

The treatment aims to restore the immune systems’ balance in order to extinguish the low grade inflammation and reinstate its role in monitoring and repairing the body, while at the same time strengthening energy production.
About the French Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association
ASFC is the only association representing patients with ME/CFS approved by the French Ministry of Health in 2015. The association provides a phone hotline and organizes regular meetings between patients and volunteers everywhere in France, and an annual meeting with expert scientists. ASFC welcomes everyone suffering from unexplained chronic fatigue and ME/CFS, informs and refers them to specialized centers for an accurate diagnosis.